Source code for temporalcache.expire

# *****************************************************************************
# Copyright (c) 2021, the temporal-cache authors.
# This file is part of the temporal-cache library, distributed under the terms of
# the Apache License 2.0.  The full license can be found in the LICENSE file.
import datetime
import time
from functools import lru_cache, wraps

import pytz
from frozendict import frozendict
from tzlocal import get_localzone

from . import utils
from .persistent_lru_cache import persistent_lru_cache
from .utils import TCException, should_expire

[docs]def expire( second=None, minute=None, hour=None, day=None, day_of_week=None, week=None, month=None, tz=None, maxsize=128, persistent="", custom=None, **kwargs ): """Expires all entries in the cache @ whole number time for example, @expire(0, 30, 16) will expire the cache at 4:30pm every day """ if not any( ( second is not None, minute is not None, hour is not None, day is not None, week is not None, month is not None, ) ): second = 0 if second is not None and second >= 60: raise TCException("second must be < 60") if minute is not None and minute >= 60: raise TCException("minute must be < 60") if hour is not None and hour >= 24: raise TCException("minute must be < 24") if day is not None and (day <= 0 or day > 31): raise TCException("day must be > 0, < 32") # elif day is not None: # day += 1 # for convenience if day_of_week is not None and (day_of_week <= 0 or day_of_week > 8): raise TCException("day_of_weel must be > 0, < 8") if week is not None and (week <= 0 or week > 5): raise TCException("day must be > 0, < 6") # elif week is not None: # week += 1 # for convenience if month is not None and (month <= 0 or month > 12): raise TCException("month must be >0, < 13") # elif month is not None: # month += 1 # for convenience try: tz = tz or get_localzone() except AttributeError: tz = time.tzname[time.daylight] if isinstance(tz, str): try: tz = pytz.timezone(tz) except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError: tz = datetime.tzinfo(tz) def _wrapper(foo): last = if custom: foo = custom(**kwargs)(foo) elif persistent: foo = persistent_lru_cache(persistent, maxsize=maxsize)(foo) else: foo = lru_cache(maxsize)(foo) @wraps(foo) def _wrapped_foo(*args, **kwargs): nonlocal last now = if ( should_expire( last, now, second, minute, hour, day, day_of_week, week, month ) or utils.TEMPORAL_CACHE_GLOBAL_DISABLE ): foo.cache_clear() last = now args = tuple( [ frozendict(arg) if isinstance(arg, dict) else tuple(arg) if isinstance(arg, list) else arg for arg in args ] ) kwargs = { k: frozendict(v) if isinstance(v, dict) else tuple(v) if isinstance(v, list) else v for k, v in kwargs.items() } return foo(*args, **kwargs) return _wrapped_foo return _wrapper
[docs]def minutely(on=0, tz=None, maxsize=128, persistent="", custom=None, **kwargs): def _wrapper(foo): return expire( second=on, tz=tz, maxsize=maxsize, persistent=persistent, custom=custom, **kwargs )(foo) return _wrapper
[docs]def hourly(on=0, tz=None, maxsize=128, persistent="", custom=None, **kwargs): def _wrapper(foo): return expire( minute=on, tz=tz, maxsize=maxsize, persistent=persistent, custom=custom, **kwargs )(foo) return _wrapper
[docs]def daily(on=0, tz=None, maxsize=128, persistent="", custom=None, **kwargs): def _wrapper(foo): return expire( hour=on, tz=tz, maxsize=maxsize, persistent=persistent, custom=custom, **kwargs )(foo) return _wrapper
[docs]def monthly(on=0, tz=None, maxsize=128, persistent="", custom=None, **kwargs): def _wrapper(foo): return expire( day=on, tz=tz, maxsize=maxsize, persistent=persistent, custom=custom, **kwargs )(foo) return _wrapper